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Our Story
In February 2000, a group of local like-minded pastors felt and observed a need for a new church in the River Falls area. A number of families of Faith Community Church - Hudson from River Falls were given the opportunity to plant this new church. God began to work and in February 2002, the first vision meeting was held to communicate the vision and purpose for beginning this new work in River Falls.
Soon after this first vision meeting, a launch team of over 40 adults and their children committed to this church plant and began meeting regularly for training. The vision and heart of the church plant were to reach and love those in the community who were new to church or had left the church for various reasons.
​The River’s official launch was September 8, 2002, and God has been faithful throughout this journey to bring the gospel to River Falls. Since its launch, The River has sought to be a gospel-centered presence in River Falls by serving the community and by being a faithful witness. God has since graciously provided the means to purchase land in River Falls as a future site for a worship facility.
​In December 2019, The River called Caleb Van Roekel as its new Lead Pastor and subsequently hired Brandon Ryan in March 2021 as its new Worship/Executive Pastor. We are excited to see what God does at our church and in River Falls in this new season!
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