Aug 4Fellowship of BelieversAs we continue our Magnify Series, we look at Acts 2:42-47 to discuss our Connect and Grow Core Commitments.
May 26Abundant GrowthPastor-elder Brandon discusses abundant growth in faith and love while undergoing trials from 2 Th. 1:3-5.
May 19Introducing 2 ThessaloniansPastor-elder Caleb kicks off our summer series in 2 Thessalonians with this introductory sermon.
May 5Let Us Make Man...Pastor-elder Caleb walks us through the Bible to help us see the beautiful truth of the Trinity, that our God is three-in-one.
Oct 3, 2021Connect With One Another AuthenticallyPastor Caleb opens the Word to explore The River's second Core Commitment: Connect With One Another Authentically